Tired All The Time? Determining The Cause Is Important

Feeling tired all the time can affect your enjoyment of life, your work performance, your relationships, and it could be a symptom of a serious health condition, so it is a big deal. There are ways your doctor can help to determine what's causing the problem. Put a Name on It The first thing a physician will want to do is determine the cause, because knowing it will give you some comfort, and of course, the cause will also determine treatment. Read More 

4 Options For Getting Your Child To Take Their Medication

Does your child refuse to take his or her medicine? You're not alone. Administering medicine is a common problem for many parents. It may not be that big of a deal if the child is battling a common cold. However, it can be a serious problem if the child has a chronic condition for which the medicine is absolutely necessary. As you probably know, kids can be stubborn when it comes to refusing medicine. Read More