Eye Conditions & Sunglasses: When Wearing Eye Protection Is A Necessity

Many people like wearing sunglasses, not only to deflect the harmful and sometimes blinding rays of the sun but also to enhance their appearance. However, there are some cases when wearing sunglasses is a necessity in order to prevent the worsening of certain eye conditions. If you have been diagnosed with one of the following conditions, then you may want to look into obtaining prescription sunglasses to use as protection from ultraviolet rays:  


Photokeratitis is an eye condition the occurs as a result of unprotected exposure to the sun. The sun often reflects off water, snow, or ice, and if the light is allowed to come into direct contact with eyes, this condition can develop. Photokeratitis can cause a number of symptoms, including pain, a gritty-like sensation in the eyes, headaches, blurry vision, swelling, and tearing. In extreme cases, temporary blindness can occur. This condition often heals on its own, but to prevent future occurrences, wearing sunglasses is a good idea. 


Often referred to as surfer's eye, pterygium is a condition that occurs in those who spend extended periods of time outdoors without eye protection. Excess exposure to the sun results in the growth of noncancerous lesions in one or both eyes. These lesions are pink in color, fleshy in appearance, and exist in the whites of the eyes. Pterygium can cause the sufferer to feel as if a foreign body is in the eye, burning, itching and blurred vision. Treatment consists of ointments and eye drops, and in rare cases, surgery may be necessary. Sunglasses can help keep the disease from progressing.

Macular degeneration

This incurable eye condition is the leading cause of vision loss. Macular degeneration is caused by deterioration of the retina, resulting in centralized vision loss. Since there is no cure but only treatment, patients are instructed to limit exposure to the sun, adhere to a healthy diet, exercise regularly and refrain from smoking. 


Under normal conditions, the lens of the eye is clear, but when cataracts are present, the lens becomes cloudy. Cataracts are progressive, and they eventually affect vision, sometimes requiring surgery to remove them. Symptoms consist of cloudy or blurred vision, sensitivity to bright light, seeing halos, double vision in one eye and difficulty seeing at night. The UV rays from the sun can cause cataracts to develop, and once they have developed, the sun can worsen them. This is why wearing sunglasses is important for protection.

The sun is a natural source of light, and it has many health benefits. Despite this fact, the sun can also be dangerous, especially for people with these eye conditions. Many eye conditions are progressive, but the progression can often be slowed by wearing sunglasses. For more information, contact a professional like those at Wear Eyewear.
