When you have been struggling with your hearing for as long as you can remember, you may have also wondered if there would ever come a time that you would understand why you have hearing loss and difficulties. Finally receiving a diagnosis of otosclerosis, a middle and inner ear condition in which the tiny bones inside of your ear that should be mobile are fixed (stuck in place), can be simultaneously a relief and a source of frustration.
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If you've recently been diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD), chronic bronchitis, emphysema, or another condition that often leaves you feeling weak from lack of oxygen to your blood, you may be wondering what you can do to help get back to a more active lifestyle. Fortunately, advances in medical technology mean that you can carry a constant supply of oxygen with you without toting around a heavy or inconvenient oxygen tank.
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Artificial limbs can be quite daunting, especially when you first receive yours. It doesn't necessarily feel like a part of you yet, and because it is so foreign, you can wind up starting to resent it in ways that you might not have been prepared for. Here are a few ways to ensure that this doesn't happen to you.
Make sure it is fitted correctly
This is something that is essential to having your prosthesis feel like a part of you.
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Contrary to popular belief, people with psoriasis can in fact get tattoos. There are some changes to the normal routine of tattooing, as well as after-care for the tattoo. Read on to find out more!
Psoriasis and its effects on tattooing
Psoriasis is a skin condition that makes the skin red, itchy, and scaly. There are many types of psoriasis, but all affect the skin and make it difficult to tattoo.
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When you think of the word "pregnancy", the ideas of comfort and relaxation aren't generally what come to mind. Contrary to that way of thinking, however, is the simple fact that, massage during pregnancy -- called prenatal massage, officially -- can work wonders for both your aching, swelling body and your state of mind. But what exactly is prenatal massage and how exactly can it benefit you? If you're looking into getting a massage during pregnancy but have a few questions before you actually commit to the idea, then here's what you need to know.
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