Worried About Getting Braces? 4 Celebrities Who Have Fought The Good Fight

Most kids understand that they need braces, but they don't want them. For many, they see braces as an ugly addition to their already-complicated teen life. However, some of them may be able to be persuaded when they find out that some of their favorite celebrities have actually had their own set of braces at some point in their lives (as a child or an adult) and have survived to tell about it. Read More 

Reducing Varicose Veins Without Surgery: Three Natural Therapies To Try

Varicose vein surgeries are quite common and highly effective. However, if you fear going under the knife (or laser), then it is worth your while to try reducing your varicose veins with some of these other non-surgical methods first. Grape Seed Oil Several studies have indicated that grape seed oil may be effective in reducing both the discomfort and swelling associated with varicose veins. The specific antioxidants it contains are known to fight inflammation, which is one of the primary contributors to varicose veins. Read More 

4 Ways To Relieve Or Prevent IBS Symptoms Without Medicine

It's approximated that between 10% and 15% of the United States population suffers from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), a condition that causes painful cramps, bloating, gas, constipation, and diarrhea. If you fall into this category, then you already know just how unpleasant and unpredictable living with IBS and its symptoms can be. At the same time, you may not be comfortable taking prescribed medication to relieve your symptoms or haven't seen any success with these medications. Read More 

Dermatology Services: 2 Ways to Remove or Lighten Under-Eye Circles

Under-eye circles can make you look exhausted and tired even when you're fully awake. It's a common condition that affects many people. According to a 2006 study performed by the cosmetic company Clinique, 50% of women would consider dark circles and puffiness under and around the eyes to be one of their most major beauty concerns. Unfortunately, under-eyes circles are usually an inherited trait. Fortunately, there are plenty of dermatology services that can help remove or lighten under-eye circles for a more rejuvenated look. Read More 

Restoring Hand And Finger Movement Affected By Rheumatoid Arthritis

The arthritis in yours hands can eventually make it difficult to pick up or grasp objects. Your hands become weak, and moving your fingers is painful. Replacing affected finger joints with artificial ones makes your hands useful again. Here is what to expect from this artificial joint replacement surgery. Artificial Joints Replace Damaged Bone and Cartilage Cartilage at the ends of the finger bones prevent bone surfaces from rubbing against each other. Read More