Does Your Child Want To Play College Soccer? 3 Common Injuries They May Get

If your child wants to play soccer in college, you need to know how they could get injured. Knowing these things can help them take measures to try to keep these injuries from happening. Of course, you cannot control everything, but these suggestions will lower their chances of getting hurt. Patellar Tendinitis Overuse is the common cause of Patellar tendinitis. This means your child constantly uses this tendon as they play and practice soccer. Read More 

The Challenges Of Communicating With A Parent Who Has Alzheimer’s Disease

If you have a parent with Alzheimer's disease, talking with them becomes more difficult as the illness progresses. You'll need to use some of the same techniques that professionals who specialize in Alzheimer's care employ to stay connected with your parent. Here are some of those approaches to continue communicating effectively with your aging parent. 1. Get Rid of Distractions Your parent will have difficulty staying focused on your conversation if there are other sounds or visual stimuli around them. Read More 

Four Tips To Make Adjusting To Your First Pair Of Hearing Aids Simple

It's common to go through a range of emotions when you get your first pair of hearing aids. If you're like most people, you're thankful that you'll have the ability to hear well again, but you aren't so sure how much you like the actual hearing aids. It's normal to go through an adjustment period. Fortunately, there are a few things that you can do to make the process easier. Read More 

5 Tips For Preventing Cataracts

Cataracts are one of the most common eye diseases in the United States. According to The National Eye Institute, by the time they become 80, more than half of all Americans will have cataracts or have had surgery for the condition. However, if you take proper care of your vision, you can lower your risk of developing this disease. Here are five tips for preventing cataracts. Wear Your Sunglasses When you go out into the sun, you should not just protect your skin. Read More 

American Dental Association Recommends Brushing Baby Teeth

For the longest time, the American Dental Association (ADA) and other dental groups advised parents to begin brushing their children's teeth with fluoride toothpaste starting when the kids turned two years old. However, in 2014, the organization made a surprising change to their recommendations and now tells parents to start as early as when their babies' first tooth comes in. Here's more information about this change in stance. The Research Behind the Change Read More